Tag Archives | toy

Giveaway Day 6 – Surprise Gift from Early Learning Centre

Today’s giveaway is once again aimed at parent readers and mainly the ones with very young children. Early Learning Centre is on-board to provide a gift for one lucky reader, and as was the case with JouéClub, the gift will be determined to suit the age of the winner’s kid.

What I love most about ELC is that they have a lot of toys made of wood among their wide product range that serve to develop the child’s motor skills, in addition to being made in a way to withstand bumps and collision since toddlers just have a thing for throwing everything anywhere. (At least mine does!)

To qualify for the draw, go to +961’s page on Facebook, like the giveaway post and tag your friends in a comment. One winners will be randomly chosen and announced tomorrow morning, and I will make sure to coordinate with ELC in order to choose the right toy depending on his/her kid’s age.


Surprise Gifts For Child Beggars in Beirut

Child beggars have increased around Beirut over the past few years and at times can be quite irritating due to their aggressive attitude. I personally usually just avoid giving them any money because I know they’re certainly part of a scheme that exploits children and I never want to end up supporting such thing.

This guy however roamed around Hamra during Christmas time and randomly gave toys to some of the kids he found there on the street.

What caught my attention the most is that they all kept asking for more toys for their brothers and sisters. Not sure if they really meant it though or if they were just acting smart to get more stuff, but either ways the smile on their faces was absolutely priceless!

Needless to say, the government definitely needs to address this issue because no kids deserve to grow up this way on the streets.


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