Tag Archives | video

Dispute with Ziad Rahabni at Event Hill

I actually heard a lot of people complaining about Ziad Rahbani’s latest concert since it was poorly managed and because they were expecting him to perform more of his old repertoire.

While I agree Ziad should be blamed for probably not following up enough with the event managers, people really can’t complain about the stuff he played since the concert program was made available when tickets were still on sale and it was clear it will include a lot of jazz!

video via Bechara from Surviving Lebanon


Lebanese Army – You bring us peace

This video was made for the occasion of the 69th Independence Day.

[hana-flv-player video=”http://www.lebarmy.gov.lb/videogallery/data/video/title_13.flv” width=”450″ description=”” player=”5″ autoload=”false” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” splashimage=”http://www.plus961.com/wp-content/uploads/2012/11/lebanese-army.jpg” /]


The wonders of the Lebanese University in Hadath

I can understand the images of March 8 leaders at the Lebanese university faculty of science in Hadath, as it became the norm in Lebanon for the dominant political party at a certain Lebanese University branch to control the student council, and of course put up the images of their leaders all over the place as a way to mark their territory.

But what I really find it disturbing is allowing some people to set up a cellular shop inside the university campus and even worse, remain silent over the occupation of the university’s cafeteria that currently offers shisha! And this is what is actually happening in Hadath.

The below video was shot by a journalist in Now Lebanon who was threatened for taking photos inside the campus, but fortunately she had the balls to publish them online. You may read her article about the whole thing here.

[hana-flv-player video=”www.nowlebanon.com/Library/Files/Interviews/Lebanese-university.flv” width=”450″ description=”” player=”5″ autoload=”false” autoplay=”false” loop=”false” autorewind=”true” splashimage=”http://www.nowlebanon.com/ContentPictures/Lebanese-university-315-111512045709.jpg” /]

Make sure to also check this additional article published in Al-Akhbar shedding light on similar breaches in the same campus which actually seems like it exists on some other planet where police is never heard of!

With these two articles, I now believe we should never act surprised next time a family announce their own military wing, because a government that cannot control a single campus definitely cannot control 10,452Km2 of land!


Beirut Jam Sessions

Beirut Jam Sessions is the coming together of three passionate music lovers whose goal is to bring good music to Lebanon.

Those guys do so by featuring Lebanese bands and artists on their YouTube channel, in addition to bringing talented foreign artists, such as Emilie Gassin and Nadeah, to perform here in Lebanon.

Their upcoming concert is on November 27th at Solea V Sin El Fil, and will feature a 3 man band called “Pony Pony Run Run” from Nantes, along with a Lebanese band called Goldfish Parade (featured in the video above) who will be performing the opening act of this event.

Make sure to check Beirut Jam Sessions’ work on YouTube to get a glimpse of their taste in music, and if you’re interested in attending “Pony Pony Run Run” concert, tickets are currently selling for $25 at all Virgin Ticketing branches.


A virtual tour inside Beirut City Centre

I just came across this video showing how Beirut City Centre, which is due to open in the first quareter of 2013, will look like.

Given how large the mall is, I believe it will cause massive traffic jams near its main entrances especially that the road there is so narrow.

Thanks to @MarieNakhle


Insane fireworks

Check out how bad fireworks can be in some areas in Lebanon on holidays. The video below was taken in Bchamoun on the first day of Eid El-Adha.

Unfortunately, the ministry of interior issues a reminder every few years that fireworks are strictly banned but never puts an effort to actually apply that ban!


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