Tag Archives | video

Al Rifai Angel Drones is More Like a Stunt Than a Campaign


The Angel Drones is an initiative by Al Rifai that aims to donate packages of clothes, food, and other essential items to needy families in Lebanon using drones that are labeled as “Angel Drones”. The whole campaign sounds pretty nice as it goes with the spirit of Ramadan in term of helping poor people and feeling with them. Moreover, technically speaking the video is well executed and kudos to whoever made the filming.

However, with the budget that seem to have been allocated for this campaign I really think Al Rifai could have done a lot better.

Even though the video started good and felt very touching, at the end of watching it I was only left thinking about drones and how much weight they can carry around… I bet I was not the only one who thought about that and I really doubt this was Al Rifai’s goal from “The Angel Drones”.

In addition, I really didn’t like the way they displayed the stories of the families they are helping on their website. I mean this is the kind of things that Tony Khalife and Joe Maalouf would do to score with the public… If you want to help poor people then either do it discretely or simply don’t reveal their identities, publicizing it actually goes against the values of Ramadan.

Giving the video a second thought will probably qualify the campaign more as a stunt than a socially responsible campaign. Social responsibility in our case lies in actually donating to the people instead of over-thinking a sophisticated and expensive way to deliver these donations.

In my humble opinion, what Al Rifai could have done instead is producing a video that motivates people to help each other. Take for example the videos that Pepsi Masr produces every year, they touch you really deep and inspire to do good to others or at least be good to them.

The idea is that you do not necessarily have to prove that you are socially responsible in order to score with the public. I think being an inspiration to them can promote your brand much better.


Cool Aerial Video of Byblos Bay


Although realtively short, this video shot by Marc Howayek using a DJI Phantom 3 shows some great scenery from the coast of Byblos.

I have also seen a sneak peak of other video he took in different regions of Lebanon and they look really awesome. I hope he uploads them sometime soon so that I can share them as well.


Like There is No Tomorrow – A 2D Animation by Marilyn Haddad


Marilyn Haddad is a 2D animation artist who recently graduated from Vancouver film school and is also a former ALBA student. She sent me this animation she recently did about a Lebanese girl who loves to dance to survive the stress that everybody faces here.

I thought of sharing it on the blog because I found the animation to be pretty impressive, and I hope we get to see more of her work.


Very Beautiful Time-lapse Photography from Lebanon


Lebanese photographer Charbel Abi Semaan spent one whole year to make this awesome video, and according to the description on Vimeo it was all shot in a town called Ehmej.

I really hope we get to see more time-lapse videos from Lebanon especially that we have some beautiful sceneries all year round. I personally have been trying to experiment with that kind of photography for a while now but never got enough time to come up with something worth sharing. Anyway, for now just check the below video, and I bet you’ll play it more than once.

You can also check another similar video I shared a while ago here.


Bernard Hage Predictions for 2015


Bernard’s predictions are becoming a yearly traditions and the guy is in my opinion funnier than most of the people you see on comedy shows nowadays.

Make sure to check his blog here. (I wish he posts more often)


The 2015 New Year Fireworks Show in Dubai


I wish this was about some cool fireworks show in Beirut, but it was the same boring scene here with stupid people firing rounds of bullets at midnight.

On the other hand, Dubai dazzled the world once more with amazing fireworks that lit up Burj Khalifa. And while they’re at it, they broke a Guinness world record by covering the tower with the largest LED display consisting of 70,000 LED bulbs.

You can also watch a behind the scenes video here on how EMAAR made it all happen.


The Internal Security Forces rewarding seat-belt users

noel isf

The minute I saw this photos on twitter I knew it was some kind of a media stunt by the Lebanese Internal Security Forces. And the first thing that came to my mind was that they should have been working to ease the traffic congestion over the past few days instead of taking photos with Santa. But now that I saw the video I think it was a nice move.

In a country where people honk at you at a red light, I personally would have loved to get rewarded by the ISF for wearing the seatbelt!


Lebanese submissions to the 87th Oscar awards


I was checking some Oscar-related news today and noticed we got two submissions (but not yet shortlisted) for the awards. One for the movie “Ghadi” by George Khabbaz as the best foreign language film, and the other for Yasmine Hamdan’s song “Hal”, which was featured in the British-German movie “Only Lovers Left Alive“, as the best original song.

I sure hope at least one of these two gets shortlisted, especially Yasmine Hamdan with that super sensual performance, but the competition is usually pretty fierce.

Does anybody know if any Lebanese artwork has ever been shortlisted for the Oscars?


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