Tag Archives | video

Tamanna making wishes come true


This isn’t the first time Tamanna grants a wish for a critically ill kid, and I’ve actually loved each and every video they’ve published so far, but this is the first time I get really moved by one of their videos. Not because of how good the whole thing was executed, but because I have a kid now and I know how awful it feels for parents when their children get sick, even if it was as simple as a stupid flu virus.

The job that Tamanna are doing is absolutely awesome for children suffering from life threatening illnesses. Parents will usually be ready to sacrifice everything in order to see their kids getting better, and Tamanna is going the extra mile for them by drawing a smile on these kids faces and fulfilling their wishes.

The video below is of Ghassan, a 5 year-old cancer survivor, who wished to star in an action packed movie.

Needless to say, Tamanna is one of the organizations that deserves to be donated to, and you can do so by going to their donations page here.


How low can Al-Jadeed TV get?

So Bahaa El Dine Hariri got married to a Saudi lady last week, and as expected, many TV stations had to report the news which was quite normal.

However, when it came to Al Jadeed, they introduced Bahaa El Dine in the most unprofessional way. While the man is a known billionaire and owns a property development and investment group, Al Jadeed decided that he’s instead known for a silly statement he made during his most vulnerable moment, the funeral of his assassinated father!

I totally understand the TV station might be in disagreement with the Hariri’s, but that was quite low of them…


Gebran Bassil busted in New York

Men will always be men, but that’s definitely not valid when you’re representing Lebanon at the United Nations in New York and meeting with the Emirati minister of foreign affairs!

This video below shows Gibran Bassil asking one of his assistants about some woman called “Caroline”, then when the Emirati minister seemed surprised about his question, he responds with a hand gesture that he was asking because she’s so hot and wishes she was present with them in the meeting!

Quite embarrassing I say!


A.R. Hallab challenges three restaurants in the #IceBucketChallenge

kasr el helou

Ice bucket challenge videos have been taking the internet by storm over the past weeks and it was only about time until Lebanese people start doing it. Not necessarily to raise awareness for amyotrophic lateral sclerosis (ALS) but mostly just for the fun of it!

Along with the individuals who participated in this viral campaign, celebrities and companies are now challenging each other! In the video below, Kasr El Helou (Abdul Rahman Hallab) are challenging Crepaway, Zaatar W Zeit, and Roadster Diner to do the same. And I guess it’ll be quite fun to see those restaurants replying with similar videos.

On the other hand, Najwa Karam challenged Ragheb Alama, Ahlam, and Elissa to throw ice buckets on themselves too!

However, as much as I find these videos fun and effective at raising awareness for ALS, I also wish the Lebanese people would also put the same energy to raise much needed funds for local organizations here like the Lebanese Red Cross and the Children’s Cancer Center of Lebanon.


That poor Syrian kid got beaten again!!

Al Jadeed TV interviewed the parents of both Abbas and Khaled last night. Abbas’ father defended himself by claiming that who recorded the video are actually a group of teens and that he got upset when he saw it. It was all fine until the correspondent moved to Khaled’s mother and asked her how did she react to what happened, the woman then explained that she took the kid to his uncle who beat and kicked him because of that video! (Start watching at the 9m00s mark)

I’m surprised the correspondent remained calm and didn’t even argue about it with the woman.


NSFW – 1973 Liberality VS 2014 Rigorism in Lebanon

I just stumbled upon this old scene from a 1973 Lebanese movie and quickly recalled AlJoumohouri’a article yesterday bashing the beach parties at C-Flow Jbeil.


مسبح أو كاباريه؟

ففي نهاية الأسبوع قررت الصديقات الاستجمام في لبنان وزيارة أحد المسابح المميزة التي تجمع اللبنانيين على اختلاف أعمارهم وطوائفهم وإنتماءاتهم السياسية، وتهتم بهم وتقدّم لهم «خدماتٍ خاصّة».

فإستُقبلن بحفاوة وترحيب كبيرين ودخلن المسبح الضخم محاولاتٍ الاختلاط بلبنانيين ولبنانيات أمثالهنّ لكنّ الامر لم ينجح. فما رأينه على شاطئ الـ«سي ف» اللبناني من مظاهر خلاعة وسكر ورقص مبتذل وتصرّفات وقحة غير أخلاقية يتجاوز بأشواط مشاهدَ العراة على الشواطئ اليونانية.

فلِيضمن المنتجع لرواده عيشهم تجربة مريحة ومسلية مليئة باللذة والمتعة والشغف، أوجد «باراً» في وسط بركة السباحة وسمح لعشاقه بإصطحاب مشروبهم معهم الى المياه. أما الموسيقى الحماسية التي يلعبها فتدفعهم الى الجنون وتطلق العنان لمخيّلتهم فيبتكرون رقصات مبتذلة تصل الى حدّ ممارسة الجنس علناً.

لا يكتفي المنتجع بتدليل زبائنه بهذا القدر فقط، وإنما في ذروة اللذة يحضر لهم ثلاث عارضات من جنسيات غير لبنانية يرقصن على المنصّة أمام أعين مئات الرجال والنساء، إلّا أنه لا يسمح إلّا للفتيات بمشاركة العارضات الرقص مباشرةً على المنصّة.


I found it really funny that back in the ’70s it was quite normal for Lebanese actors to french kiss in movies and even perform erotic scenes, while Beirut also had licensed brothels and our newspapers used to advertise vibrators!

Fast forward 40 years, sex toys are banned from the Lebanese market, we make a fuss in the press every time a couple of actors kiss on TV, and then comes a journalist from Al-Joumhouria criticizing the beach parties at C-Flow Jbeil which caters for adults only!!

I don’t want to imagine what’s coming next in another 40 years time!


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