Tag Archives | violence

Update: De Prague to remain open for at least a couple more months

de prague hamra

Looks like tonight will not witness De Prague’s closure as the owner Raed Habib decided to give the place another shot over the next couple of months following a demonstration that was organized by around 70 of his loyal customers near his house. You can read all about it here.

I never knew the bar meant a lot to so many people. The whole thing makes you wonder if it was a publicity stunt since it got 3 articles on The Daily Star website in a couple of days, and they were overwhelmed with customers today who wanted to say goodbye to the place!


De Prague Hamra closing today

de prague hamra

As per this article in The Daily Star yesterday, De Prague will be closing its doors today after 8 years of operating in Hamra.

The reasons of the closure as stated by the bar’s general manager Pascale Azzi are the declining number of customers as well as the smoking ban that was introduced in September last year. Moreover, in a second article published today, the owner Raed Habib added that the bar will also be closing due to the general change of atmosphere in Hamra in addition to the increasing violence incidents in the neighborhood.

These reasons didn’t really make sense to me because the economic recession and the smoking ban are affecting all the shops in Hamra, yet many places like February 30 and Main Street for example are doing pretty well and always seem to be full at night.

What I guess De Prague should have done to stand out from the competition is possibly taking advantage of the relatively large space they have to setup a small stage and host music bands to get more people to come.

Anyway, I’m pretty sure soon enough some investors will be renting the place and starting a new bar to replace De Prague.


Funny headline of the day

It looks like some people are quite happy about the turbulent situation in Lebanon and the warnings that were issued by several Arab countries regarding visiting the country.

According to The National, some GCC wives are satisfied that their husbands won’t be able to visit Lebanon this year and peek at the beautiful women here!

“This is one of the best summers” in a long time, one of my Emirati friends told me recently. She, like many Arab women, would get annoyed at what she called “buddy bonding” – guys-only trips to places like Lebanon. “My husband will not be going with his male friends to Lebanon and I feel so happy about it.”

The husband was quick to reply: “Well, if you want mountains, Lebanon has them. If you want beach, Lebanon has it. And it doesn’t hurt that wherever you look, you see beautiful women. A bonus for the eyes.”

In retaliation, the wife said she will be heading to Sweden this summer. Source

And that would of course mean one thing, more “beautiful women” for us who live in Lebanon!

The article was originally shared by Jad Aoun, and the photo is via YaLibnan.com


Ethiopian maid beaten in the street

This video was published by LBC and shows barbarism at its best. For some unknown reason, a man was publicly beating an Ethiopian maid reportedly in front of the Ethiopian embassy before forcing her to get into his car and take her back home.

It was however possible to take note of his car plate number, and he was later identified as “Mahmoud Zhairani”. Now sure how accurate is this information, but if you know the guy and turns up to be the same one showing in the video, make sure to slap him, with a baseball bat, a thousand time.


LBC just tweeted that the man was identified as Ali Mahfouz.


The Lebanese parliament “love” stories

You really have to check this article published yesterday in Al-Akhbar about the way some of our MPs sexually harass female reporters at the parliament and even chase them to their apartments at midnight!

هناك في المجلس النيابي نواب يؤدّون دور كازانوفا. واحد من كتلة المستقبل العكارية. ثانٍ من الكتلة نفسها. ثالث مستقبليّ كوراني. مازح الأخير إحدى الزميلات مرة حين علم أن موعد زواجها قريب قائلاً إن لديه «مكتباً خاصاً للاستشارة والتدريب»، وضرب على صدره مردداً: «أنا بعجبك بها القصص». رابع جبيليّ عونيّ؛ يحرص عند استقباله امرأة «على تزليطها» بعينيه كما كان يقول مرة في مجلس خاص. خامس زغرتاوي، هو زميل الرابع في الكتلة نفسها، أدلى بدلوه في الموضوع نفسه خلال الجلسة الحميمية نفسها، فرأى أن «الرجل الذي تمر أمامه امرأة ولا يطارد مؤخرتها بعينيه، ليس رجلاً». وتروي إحدى الصحافيات أن هذا النائب كان قبل سنوات ضمن وفد سياسي يزور إحدى الدول القريبة، وكانت المرأة الوحيدة على متن الطائرة، فتهامس مع زملائه خمس دقائق ثم اقترب منها بقميص غالبية أزراره مفتوحة، ليسألها عما تنوي فعله برفقتهم، ملامساً ركبتها بركبته. السادس في الفرقة بيروتي قح، قال لأحد الصحافيين المشكوك في هويتهم الجنسية مرة: «إن كنت لا تريدني، فاترك لي المصور أو مسؤول الإضاءة». السابع في الفريق بيروتي أرمني أسدل ستائر مكتبه قبيل وصول الصحافية وخفف الضوء، قائلاً «جهزت الغرفة لتكون أكثر رومانسية». فنصحته بالذهاب عند زوجته وغادرت. ثامن الكازانوفات، من إقليم الخروب. التاسع من صور. والعاشر من بنت جبيل. أما البقاع الغربي، فينافس البقاع الأوسط، لكل منهما «جَغَلان» على الأقل. «القانون صورتكم» تقول حملة «كفى عنف واستغلال». وكان يجب أن تضيف: «ما بتِشبعوا!؟».

What is really remarkable though, is that some of the mentioned MPs are actually members of the parliamentary committee responsible for drafting new laws addressing domestic violence!

The article mentions at the end that sometimes it’s not all the MP’s fault, as some reporters also work hard to seduce some MPs, and one of them succeeded to seduce two members of the same parliamentary bloc at a time! Which of course called for the head of the bloc to intervene.


Captured on camera: Lebanese cop beating a taxi driver

A lot of people often claim that Lebanese cops only use force with the poor people who are not backed up by anyone. The video below just proves it…

I wonder how would the cop have acted if the same driver was riding a 2010 Mercedes/BMW with a black number plate.


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