Maintenant nous voulons connaitre qui est cette copine de Lara!
How it all started for Lara Kay
Maintenant nous voulons connaitre qui est cette copine de Lara!
I never thought someone can do worse than Rahaf Abdallah…
The issue has been raised on the website two days ago. As you can see in the snapshot below taken from the regulations page, Samir Kassir’s contest is open to journalists in several countries including Israel!
I have no idea what journalists from Israel have to do with this contest, and I am surprised that until today those who are responsible of it still have not fixed it or even provided an explanation. Oh and please don’t blame it on a copy paste mistake!
Trucks “distributing” wisdom in Lebanon are pretty funny, like this one I was stuck behind today.
Noah’s Ark? Seriously?
I was reading today’s issue of Annahar newspaper when I came across this weird news:
بعلبك – “النهار”:
عثر احد افراد قوى الامن الداخلي صباح الاثنين في بعلبك قرب مقام السيدة خولة، داخل احد مستوعبات النفايات على اكياس تحوي اوراقاً ثبوتية من هويات وطلبات تصحيحها ومعاملات ومستندات تابعة لدائرة نفوس بعلبك.
وحضرت القوى الامنية على الفور، وارسلت الاوراق الى وزارة الداخلية وفتح تحقيق لتحديد المسؤوليات.
If you ever lost track of a file at one of the ministries, now you know where it might have ended up!